摘要:Black Friday generated $9.8 billion in U.S. online sales, according to Adobe Analytics, up 7.5% from a year ago.The spending bump reflects consumers looking to advantage of big deal days and finding it easier to compare discounts online.After Cyber Monday, sales will likely taper off through the rest of the holiday season as retailers trim discounts.
Black Friday e-commerce spending popped 7.5% from a year earlier, reaching a record $9.8 billion in the U.S., according to an Adobe Analytics report, a further indication that price-conscious consumers want to spend on the best deals and are hunting for those deals online.
“We’ve seen a very strategic consumer emerge over the past year where they’re really trying to take advantage of these marquee days, so that they can maximize on discounts,” said Vivek Pandya, a lead analyst at Adobe Digital Insights.
Black Friday’s spending spike reflects a consumer who is more willing to spend than in 2022, when gas and food prices were painfully high.
Pandya noted that impulse purchases may have played a role in the Black Friday growth since $5.3 billion of the online sales came from mobile shopping. He noted that influencers and social media advertising have made it easier for consumers to get comfortable spending on their mobile devices.
Still, shoppers are price-sensitive, managing tighter budgets due to last year’s record inflation and interest rates. According to the Adobe survey, $79 million of the sales came from consumers who opted for the ‘Buy Now, Pay Later’ flexible payment method to stretch their wallets, up 47% from last year.
The best-selling categories of Black Friday, the Adobe report found, were electronics like smartwatches and televisions, along with toys and gaming. Meanwhile, home-repair tools underperformed. Pandya said top sellers directly correlated to whichever products had the best discounts.
Adobe gathers its data by analyzing one trillion visits to U.S. retail websites, 18 product categories and 100 million unique items. It does not track brick-and-mortar retail transactions.
A Mastercard analysis of this year’s Black Friday sales found that in-store sales rose just over 1% versus online sales, which grew by over 8% compared to last year.
“I do think the paradigm has changed around the in-store Black Friday experience, the long lines and things like that,” said Adobe’s Pandya.
Consumers are “more in the driver’s seat” when they are online shopping, he added, because it is easier to make side-by-side price comparisons and secure a better price.
Retailers are aware of the rise of deal-hunting consumers and want to capture as many of them as possible. Companies like Best Buy
and Lowe’s
have both announced higher discounting levels. Other retailers like Target
and Ulta Beauty
have rolled out pop-up promotions that offer 24-hour discounts on certain brands and items.
Black Friday kept the momentum going from the day before on Thanksgiving when online sales totaled $5.6 billion, according to a prior Adobe analysis.
Adobe expects the spending strength to hold over the weekend and through Cyber Monday with the biggest bargains still ahead. The report forecasts that online shoppers will spend roughly $10 billion over the course of Saturday and Sunday, and a record $12 billion on Cyber Monday.
But spending will likely begin to taper off deeper into the holiday season, according to Pandya. Cyber Monday, as the last major deal day of the holiday season, could be the final spending spike on non-essential goods for the rest of the year.
“We do expect growth to weaken because those discounts will weaken and they are dictating a lot in terms of buyer behavior this season,” said Pandya.
He noted that there are always gift-givers who procrastinate their holiday shopping so spending could continue to trickle in late into December. But the real growth surges, he said, “end up being in November and Thanksgiving week.”
Adobe的报告发现,“黑五”最畅销的商品是智能手表、电视等电子产品,以及玩具和游戏。该机构分析师Vivek Pandya表示,而这些最畅销的产品恰恰与折扣最大的产品直接相关。
根据Adobe Analytics的数据,今年“黑五”的线上商品折扣力度比一年前要更大,尤其是玩具和服装。其中,玩具平均折扣达到28%,而去年同期为22%;电子产品平均折扣幅度为27%,而去年同期基本持平。在服装方面,购物者看到了平均24%的折扣,远高于去年的19%。
Salesforce零售业务副总裁兼总经理Rob Garf指出,黑色星期五强劲的在线销量表明,购物者正投入更多时间和精力来精挑细选成本最低、性价比最高的商品,该公司跟踪流经其商务云的电子商务服务数据。
安永首席经济学家Gregory Daco在一份报告中表示,尽管10月份通胀有所降温,但“成本疲劳”的看法依旧存在,这抑制了早些时候消费者的消费欲望。成本疲劳是指消费者认为一切成本都高于疫情前的看法。
最终,人们无疑可以看到,百思买、劳氏等大多数零售商的折扣力度均高于以往,Target、美妆零售巨头Ulta Beauty等零售商则推出了闪购促销活动,甚至为某些品牌和商品提供24小时折扣。
梅西百货首席执行官Jeff Gennette)本月向投资者表示,从梅西百货到亚马逊,零售商早在10月份就推出了促销活动,并可能在临近圣诞节时再提供额外折扣。
GlobalData董事总经理Neil Saunders表示,“购物者正寻找他们真正想要和需要的商品,而不是简单地冲动地购买很多东西。这对零售商来说不一定是好事。”
百思买首席执行官Corie Barry近期表示:“在最近的宏观环境中,消费者需求更加不均衡,难以预测。”
当然,万事达卡经济研究所美国首席经济学家Michelle Meyer目前仍相对乐观。